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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Getting into UCLA: How tough is it?

Hey everyone, I'm a junior and I've been really interested in UCLA lately. How difficult is it to get accepted? What are some things I can do to improve my chances of admission? Are there any specific extracurriculars or experiences that they favor? Any advice would be awesome!

9 months ago

Hello! UCLA is definitely a competitive school with an acceptance rate that typically hovers around 9-11%, so it's important to have a strong application. Here are some tips to improve your chances of admission:

1. Grades and Course Rigor: UCLA values high GPAs and a challenging course load. Aim for a strong unweighted GPA and take advantage of AP, IB, or other advanced courses available at your school.

2. Test Scores: Although Cal State and UC schools are test-blind, they do review standardized test scores for some scholarships and out-of-state applicants. If you're an out-of-state applicant, strong SAT or ACT scores will still be beneficial.

3. Extracurriculars: Colleges like UCLA are interested in students with demonstrated long-term commitment to extracurricular activities and leadership roles. Rather than trying to focus on what specific activities UCLA may favor, try to develop some 'spikes' in your profile, showing a deep interest and significant achievements in a few areas. Look for opportunities to get involved, make a positive impact, and demonstrate leadership within your interests.

4. Essays: Your personal insight questions are a crucial aspect of your application. They should showcase your character, passions, and what makes you unique as an applicant. Avoid cliché topics and focus on sharing meaningful personal experiences that highlight your growth and potential. The essays also provide a great opportunity to demonstrate how you can contribute to and benefit from the UCLA community.

For in-depth advice on tackling the UC essays, check out this CollegeVine article:

5. Letters of Recommendation: Although not a requirement for UC schools, certain programs like the Theater or Film programs might request letters of recommendation. If this applies to you, ensure you have strong recommendations that highlight your strengths and give context to your passion and commitment.

6. Engage with UCLA: Research UCLA-specific programs, clubs, and opportunities that interest you and mention them in your essays, showing that you've done your homework on the school and are truly interested in attending. This can help convey your motivation to be a part of the UCLA community.

Remember, there's no guaranteed formula for getting into a competitive school like UCLA, but by focusing on these aspects, you can improve your chances of standing out among fellow applicants. Good luck!

9 months ago

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