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What's the NC State Acceptance Rate by Major?

Hey guys, I've been researching NC State, and I'm curious about their acceptance rates by major. Does anyone have info on this, especially for engineering programs? Thanks!

9 months ago

Hello! While specific acceptance rates by major at NC State University aren't easy to find publicly, I can provide you with some general insights regarding their engineering programs.

NC State's overall acceptance rate hovers around 47%, but the acceptance rates for various programs can deviate from that figure. Engineering programs, particularly those at NC State's College of Engineering, are more competitive than others mainly because they are well regarded and attract many applicants who are high achievers with strong academic and extracurricular backgrounds.

While I don't have exact numbers for the various engineering majors, you could anticipate higher competition within popular and prestigious programs like Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering. Nevertheless, all engineering programs at NC State will likely have a lower acceptance rate compared to the university's overall rate.

To strengthen your application for NC State, especially for their engineering programs, make sure to showcase a rigorous academic profile, including AP, IB, or other advanced courses in math and science. Additionally, highlighting relevant extracurriculars, such as participation in science or engineering clubs, competitions, or internships will demonstrate your passion for and commitment to the field.

Finally, a well-crafted personal statement showcasing your motivation for pursuing engineering can make a positive impact on your application.

I hope this information is helpful, even if I couldn't provide you with exact acceptance rates by major. Good luck with your application process!

9 months ago

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