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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Can I view my old SAT scores?

Is it possible to access my old SAT scores from previous test dates? Where can I find them? I'm trying to see how much I've improved over time and possibly gauge what my chances are at getting into my dream school. Thanks!

a year ago

Yes, you can view your old SAT scores from previous test dates. To access them, follow these steps:

1. Visit the College Board website and log in to your account:

2. Once logged in, click on "My SAT" to be directed to your SAT dashboard.

3. On the dashboard, find the "Your Scores" section, where you can view your scores from previous test dates.

Keep in mind that scores for SAT exams taken before April 2014 are archived and accessing them may require a small fee, as well as a longer processing time. For exams taken after April 2014, your scores should be readily available on your SAT dashboard.

Comparing your scores across different test dates can indeed help you assess your progress and pinpoint areas that might still need improvement. To gauge your chances of getting into your dream school, research the school's average accepted SAT scores and keep working towards a score that will be competitive within their applicant pool. Good luck!

a year ago

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