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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

What should I look for in a college?

Hey everyone! As I start my college search, I'm not quite sure what factors I should be considering when deciding which colleges to apply to. What are some things you think are important to look for in a college? Any advice would be really helpful!

a year ago

Hello! Your college search is an exciting journey, and there are several factors to consider when finding the right fit for you. First, think about the academic programs and majors offered. Make sure the college has the subjects you're interested in pursuing. Next, consider the location and campus setting. Would you prefer a city or rural environment, and how far from home are you comfortable being? This can impact your overall college experience. Size is another essential factor - larger colleges may offer more resources, but smaller schools could provide a more intimate learning environment. Additionally, consider the school's available resources, such as research opportunities, internships, and career services. Finally, look into the school's culture, such as student life, extracurricular activities, and sports. Take campus tours when possible and talk to current students to get a feel for the atmosphere. Remember, it's essential to find a college where you'll feel happy and supported in your academic and personal growth. Good luck with your search!

a year ago

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