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What's the acceptance rate for Grainger College of Engineering?

Hello! I'm highly interested in applying to Grainger College of Engineering for college. Does anyone know their acceptance rate or how competitive the admissions are? Thanks!

11 months ago

Hello! The acceptance rate at Grainger College of Engineering, which is part of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), is known to be quite competitive. While UIUC doesn't publish acceptance rates for specific colleges, the institution's overall rate is around 43.7%. Since engineering is a popular, well-regarded major at UIUC, it's safe to assume that Grainger's rate is lower than UIUC's overall, so you might be looking at something in the 30-35% range, although this is just an estimate.

To increase your chances of admission, you should aim to achieve strong grades in your coursework, particularly in math and science subjects. While UIUC is officially test-optional, since you'll be applying to a competitive program it may be worth your while to also invest time and energy into aiming for a strong SAT or ACT score.

Additionally, excelling in extracurricular activities related to engineering or showcasing your passion for the field through internships or personal projects can be beneficial to your application. And finally, keep in mind that UIUC employs a holistic review process, so your essays and recommendations will also play key roles in their evaluation of your candidacy.

Best of luck with your application to Grainger College of Engineering!

11 months ago

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