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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What's the hardest university to get into?

So, I'm just curious, what's the most difficult university to get accepted into? I know acceptance rates can vary, but from your knowledge or experience, which school seems to have the highest standards and the toughest admissions process?

11 months ago

Admissions to highly selective universities can be incredibly competitive, and determining the "hardest" university to get into can be subjective, as it depends on several factors such as applicant pool, acceptance rates, and the unique qualities each institution seeks in its students.

However, based on consistently low acceptance rates and high applicant qualifications, schools like Harvard, Stanford, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) are often considered among the toughest to gain acceptance into. In recent years, these schools have reported acceptance rates below 5%, meaning that only a small fraction of applicants are admitted.

It is important to note that a school with a low acceptance rate doesn't necessarily mean it has higher standards than others, but rather that it tends to receive a high volume of applications from qualified candidates, thus making the admissions process increasingly competitive. These schools often seek students with unique qualifications, such as exceptional academic records, strong extracurricular profiles, and demonstrated leadership qualities.

Remember that the process of selecting the best school for you should be based on your individual goals, academic interests, and fit rather than solely focusing on the competitiveness of an institution. It's crucial to research each school's offerings, culture, and resources to ensure a successful college experience.

11 months ago

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