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Is Case Western Reserve University Need-Blind?

Hello! I'm applying to Case Western Reserve University and was curious about their financial aid policies. Are they need-blind during the admissions process? Any information about their financial aid would be helpful!

11 months ago

Case Western Reserve University is not need-blind in their admissions process. This means that the university may take an applicant's financial need into account when making admission decisions. However, Case Western Reserve is committed to making their education accessible to students from different financial backgrounds and offers a variety of need-based and merit-based financial aid options.

While being need-aware might seem discouraging, it's essential to note that many students with demonstrated financial need still receive substantial financial aid packages. Case Western Reserve meets 100% of demonstrated need for all admitted students who qualify for need-based assistance.

To be considered for need-based financial aid, you should submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and, if applicable, the CSS Profile. The FAFSA is required for federal aid eligibility, while the CSS Profile is used to determine institutional aid. Submitting these forms by the priority deadlines will ensure that you are considered for the maximum amount of aid available.

Additionally, Case Western Reserve offers merit scholarships that you can apply for regardless of your financial need. These scholarships are awarded based on academic achievements, extracurricular involvement, and leadership qualities. Some of these scholarships require separate applications, while others are awarded automatically upon admission to the university.

In summary, while Case Western Reserve is not need-blind, they still offer significant financial aid opportunities to admitted students. Be sure to submit all required financial aid forms on time and look for merit scholarships that you may be eligible for to help offset the cost of attendance.

11 months ago

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