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ACT Score for University of Wisconsin-Madison

Hey everyone! I'm considering applying to the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and I want to know what kind of ACT score I should shoot for. Can anyone tell me the average score or score range for admitted students? Trying to gauge if my current score is competitive enough or if I should retake the test. Thanks!

11 months ago

Hello! To give you an idea of the ACT scores for admitted students at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, the middle 50% score range is typically between 28–33. If your current ACT score falls within or above this range, you that will boost your chances of admission. However, it's always a good idea to aim for higher scores to improve your chances.

Keep in mind that UW-Madison has a holistic review process, so while your ACT score is important, the admissions committee will also be looking at your GPA, course rigor, extracurricular activities, leadership experiences, and personal essays. So, even if your current score is close to the average range or even above it, make sure that you present a well-rounded application that highlights your strengths in all these areas, as your ACT score alone won't get you in to UW-Madison.

If you believe there's room for improvement in your ACT score or if you think the score is not representative of your abilities, retaking the test can be a good idea. Just remember to balance your test prep with maintaining your grades and staying involved in extracurricular activities. Best of luck with your application!

11 months ago

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