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SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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34 ACT to SAT equivalent

Hi everyone, I've scored a 34 on my ACT and I'm curious about its SAT equivalent. Is there a conversion chart or something that I can use to find this out? Thanks for the help!

11 months ago

Hello! Congrats on your 34 ACT score! Yes, there are conversion charts available to help you determine the equivalent SAT score for your ACT score. The College Board and ACT have collaborated on a concordance table that provides this information.

According to the concordance table, a 34 ACT score is roughly equivalent to an SAT score in the range of 1490-1510. Keep in mind that these conversions are approximate as each test assesses different skills and has a different format, so the scores may not be directly comparable.

Nonetheless, the concordance table can help give you a general sense of where your ACT score stands in relation to the SAT scores. A SAT score in the 1490-1510 range is also very strong and highlights your academic strengths. Good luck with your college applications!

11 months ago

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