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Cal Poly overall admissions rate?

I'm planning on applying to Cal Poly and I was just wondering what the overall admissions rate is? Is it more competitive than other universities? Any info would be a huge help!

11 months ago

Cal Poly San Luis Obispo's overall admissions rate typically hovers around 30%. That rate is indeed more competitive than many institutions, but is not as competitive as the rates at highly selective colleges and universities, like the Ivy League schools.

Keep in mind that the competitiveness of the Cal Poly admissions process can also vary based on the major you're applying to, with high-demand majors like engineering being more competitive. Cal Poly is known for its hands-on, learn-by-doing approach, and has strong programs in engineering, architecture, and agriculture, so those programs may be more selective.

Regardless of your intended major, to increase your chances of admission, be sure to focus on maintaining a strong GPA, engaging in meaningful extracurricular activities, and crafting genuine, well-written essays that showcase your motivation and interest in your chosen field. Best of luck with your application to Cal Poly!

11 months ago

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