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US Air Force Academy application process

Hi guys, I'm a junior and really interested in applying to the United States Air Force Academy (USAFA). Could anyone walk me through the application process and some important dates and deadlines I should be aware of? Thanks for the help!

9 months ago

Hey there! It's great to see you're considering the United States Air Force Academy. The application process for USAFA is quite unique compared to other colleges, as it involves both meeting academic requirements and obtaining a nomination. Here's a general overview of the application process and some important dates:

1. Pre-candidate Questionnaire (PCQ): This is the first step, typically available online around March of your junior year. Completing the PCQ allows the admissions team to determine if you're competitive enough to proceed with the application process. If you're deemed competitive, you'll be granted candidate status.

2. Candidate Kit: Once granted candidate status, you'll be provided the Candidate Kit, which includes the online application, the fitness assessment (CFA), and personal essays. This should be completed in the summer of your junior year or by early fall of your senior year at the latest.

3. Standardized Test Scores: Although the USAFA is currently test-optional due to the pandemic, it's still a good idea to submit SAT or ACT scores if you can. Keep an eye on the USAFA website for updates on their standardized testing policy.

4. High School Transcripts: You'll need to provide your high school transcripts to demonstrate your academic performance and course rigor.

5. Letters of Recommendation: USAFA generally requires two letters of recommendation—from a math or science teacher, and an English or humanities teacher.

6. Nomination: You must obtain a nomination, usually from a U.S. Representative or Senator, or from the Vice President of the United States. Reach out to your nominating sources as early as possible, ideally by summer of your junior year. The deadlines for these vary, but most fall between October and December of your senior year.

7. Medical Evaluation: You'll undergo a medical evaluation through the Department of Defense Medical Examination Review Board (DoDMERB) to ensure you meet the medical requirements for the Academy.

8. Deadline: The final application deadline for the USAFA is typically January 31st of your senior year, but it's best to complete your application as soon as you have all necessary information and documents.

Make sure to frequently monitor your USAFA application portal to ensure everything is up-to-date and submitted on time. Also, visit the USAFA admissions website to confirm the accuracy of this information and any changes to dates or requirements.

All the best with your application process!

9 months ago

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