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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Do colleges consider the rigor of my high school when evaluating my application?

Hello everyone! I'm a junior who's been wondering if colleges take into account the rigor of my high school when evaluating my application. My school is known for being very challenging academically, and I'm worried that my GPA might not be as high as it would be at an easier school. Can anyone provide some insight? Thanks so much!

a year ago

Hello! It's great that you're thinking about the college admissions process early on. To answer your question, yes, colleges do consider the rigor of your high school when evaluating your application. Admissions officers understand that the difficulty of courses and grading standards can vary greatly between different high schools. When reviewing your application, they will take into account the context of your high school to better understand your academic achievements. Many high schools submit a school profile along with your transcript, which provides information about the school's curriculum, grading system, and other relevant data. This helps admissions officers assess your performance in relation to your peers and the opportunities available at your school. So, even if your GPA might not be as high as it would be at an easier school, rest assured that colleges will look at your achievements in the context of your high school's rigor. Keep working hard, and best of luck with the college admissions process!

a year ago

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