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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Difficulty of Princeton University admissions?

I'm considering applying to Princeton University, but I'm not sure how competitive their admission process is. What factors do they usually consider in the applications? Does anyone have any suggestions to improve my chances?

11 months ago

Princeton University is one of the most selective colleges in the United States, with an acceptance rate of around 5%. It is part of the Ivy League, and thus admission is highly competitive. Some factors they consider in applications include:

1. Academic performance: Princeton values a strong GPA, especially in rigorous courses like AP or IB classes. It's crucial to demonstrate your capacity to excel academically.

2. Test scores: While Princeton is test optional until 2025, having strong SAT or ACT scores can still help your application, particularly if you're applying to a school like Princeton, that values academic achievement.

3. Extracurricular activities: Your involvement in extracurriculars, especially those that reflect your passions and skills, is important. Princeton isn't looking for well-rounded students; instead, they seek applicants with a highly-developed specialty. Engaging in a few, but substantial extracurriculars is more important than involving yourself in many without depth.

4. Essays: Your personal statement and supplemental essays give you the opportunity to showcase your personality, values, and voice. Writing compelling essays that highlight your unique traits and experiences is crucial.

5. Letters of recommendation: Letters from teachers and counselors who can attest to your academic capabilities and personal strengths can strengthen your application.

6. Demonstrated interest: Attend virtual events, ask questions, and connect with the school in various ways to show your genuine interest in attending Princeton.

Remember that admissions are holistic, and every applicant's profile is different. Focus on showcasing your strengths and embodying the qualities Princeton values in their student body. Good luck!

11 months ago

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