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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Thoughts on transferring to MIT?

Hey everyone, I'm currently a freshman at another university and have been considering transferring to MIT. I'm just wondering if any of you have experience or advice on the transfer process to MIT? How competitive is it, and what factors should I focus on in my application?

11 months ago

Hey there! Transferring to MIT can be quite competitive, as they typically accept a very small number of transfer students each year. That being said, it's definitely possible if you present a strong application. Here are a few factors to consider when putting together your transfer application:

1. College performance: Your grades at your current university will be a critical factor. Aim for a high GPA and demonstrate success in rigorous coursework, especially in STEM fields (since MIT is known for its strength in these areas).

2. Extracurricular involvement: MIT values students who are not only academically strong but also show a commitment to their passions outside of the classroom. Showcase any extracurricular activities, internships, or research projects you've been involved in during your freshman year and explain how they align with your goals.

3. Reasons for transferring: Your personal statement should emphasize why MIT, specifically, is the right fit for you and how it aligns with your academic and career ambitions. A well-articulated and genuine explanation of your motivations for transferring will set you apart.

4. Letters of recommendation: Make sure you request strong letters of recommendation from professors or other individuals who can speak to your academic and personal qualities. Ideally, they should be able to comment on your achievements and your potential for success at MIT.

5. High school record and standardized test scores: While your college performance takes priority, MIT will also look back at your high school transcript and standardized test scores. Make sure you provide a complete picture of your academic history, including your performance during high school.

It's important to remember that the transfer process is highly competitive, so focus on building a strong profile in the areas mentioned above. Good luck with your application!

11 months ago

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