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USC transfer application: What should I know?

Hi everyone, I'm considering transferring to the University of Southern California. What should I know about their transfer application process? Are there any tips and advice from successful transfer students? Thanks a lot!

11 months ago

Hello! It's great that you're considering transferring to the University of Southern California (USC). The transfer application process can be competitive, but with ample preparation, you can put your best foot forward. Here's some information and tips for transferring to USC:

1. Deadlines: USC accepts transfer applications in both fall and spring semesters. The fall deadline is February 15th for fall for most majors, but December 1st for majors requiring a portfolio or audition. Make sure to submit your application, including all required documents, before the deadline.

2. Transfer requirements: Typically, USC looks for students who have completed at least 30 transferable semester units at the time of application. Keep in mind that certain programs, such as architecture and cinematic arts, might have additional application requirements. USC does not have a minimum GPA requirement, but successful transfer applicants usually have GPAs of 3.7 or higher.

3. Articulation history and agreements: USC has articulation agreements with many California community colleges, which means that some of your coursework may be guaranteed to transfer. You can find USC's articulation history and articulation agreements with California Community Colleges on their website to ensure courses you have taken or plan to take are transferable.

4. Major pre-requisites: Before transferring, it's recommended to complete major-specific pre-requisite courses. Each academic program may have a separate guide which outlines recommended transfer courses. Completing these courses increases your chances of being accepted into your desired major.

5. General Education (GE) Requirements: Try to fulfill most of USC's general education requirements before transferring. Doing so will increase your competitiveness and enable you to focus more on your major courses upon transferring.

6. Common App Transfer Essay: The Common App Transfer essay is an opportunity to explain your reasons for wanting to transfer and how transferring to USC aligns with your personal, academic, and career goals. Be specific and genuine about why USC is an ideal fit for you.

7. USC Supplemental Essays: USC requires several short-answer supplemental essays. Make sure to dedicate time and thought to these, as they play a crucial role in demonstrating your fit for the university. Successful essays clearly convey your personality and how you will contribute to USC's community.

8. Recommendations: USC does not require recommendation letters, but if you have a professor who can speak to your academic abilities and potential to succeed at the university then it can't hurt to include a letter.

9. Transcripts and test scores: Submit all official transcripts from previously attended institutions and standardized test scores (if applicable, as USC is test-optional for transfers through Fall 2023). Request these materials in advance to ensure they arrive by the application deadline.

Lastly, stay in touch with the USC Admissions Office for updates and any important information regarding your application. Many successful transfer students have completed most, if not all, of the recommended courses and showcased their passion for their intended major and the USC community. Good luck with your transfer application!

11 months ago

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