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UCSB Admissions Statistics?

What's up everyone! I'm considering applying to UCSB and I'm really curious about their admission statistics. Anyone got any info on their acceptance rate, average GPA, test scores, etc? I'd really appreciate it!

11 months ago

Hey there! Applying to UCSB is an excellent choice as it's a highly-ranked public university with a great campus environment. I can help provide you with some admissions stats for University of California, Santa Barbara.

1. Acceptance Rate: The acceptance rate at UCSB in recent years was 27.9%.

2. Average GPA: The average weighted GPA for admitted students is usually around 4.1-4.3, as UC schools consider weighted GPAs.

3. Test Scores: Keep in mind that as of now, UC schools including UCSB are test-blind, which means they do not consider SAT or ACT scores in the admissions process at all.

4. Extracurriculars: Admissions for UC schools focus on holistic review, so having strong extracurricular activities and personal essays can boost your chances of admission. They typically look for students who have demonstrated leadership and commitment to their interests.

These stats are not meant as hard cutoffs but rather as a general guide to give you an idea of what successful applicants at UCSB look like. Remember that the application process is about more than just numbers, so give your best effort in crafting well-written personal essays and providing a strong profile of your extracurricular involvements.

Best of luck with your application!

11 months ago

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