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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

Does UChicago send mail to everyone?

Hey guys, I just got a piece of mail from UChicago, and I'm wondering, do they send mail to everyone who's part of their mailing list or is it more targeted? How should I interpret this?

11 months ago

Hey! UChicago, like many other colleges, sends promotional materials to prospective students who are on their mailing list. These mailings are not necessarily an indication of your chances of admission but rather a marketing effort to encourage students to apply and learn more about the University.

Mailing lists are typically built from different sources, like your information from standardized tests (ACT/SAT), college fairs, or other platforms where you may have expressed interest in colleges. It's possible they send mail to everyone, or they may narrow down their mailing list based on certain factors (e.g., grades or test scores).

While it's nice to receive mail from a college you're interested in, it's essential not to read much into it in terms of your admissions chances. When it comes to applying for college, focus on crafting a strong application, showcasing your unique qualities, and meeting UChicago's requirements (bearing in mind its holistic review process). In the end, it's your application as a whole that will make the difference in whether or not you're admitted. Good luck!

11 months ago

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