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AP Calc Scoring Breakdown

Hey everyone! Does anyone know the breakdown of the scoring for the AP Calc exam? I want to have a good idea of how well I need to do on each section to get a strong score. Thanks!

11 months ago

Hey there! Sure, I can help you with the scoring breakdown for the AP Calculus exam. Both AP Calculus AB and AP Calculus BC have two sections: Multiple Choice and Free Response.

Multiple Choice:

- For AP Calculus AB, there are 45 multiple-choice questions, and for AP Calculus BC, there are 45 multiple-choice questions as well.

- You'll have 1 hour and 45 minutes for this section.

- This section accounts for 50% of your overall score.

Free Response:

- AP Calculus AB: 6 free-response questions, 1 hour and 30 minutes for this section.

- AP Calculus BC: 6 free-response questions, 1 hour and 30 minutes for this section.

- This section accounts for 50% of your overall score.

After completing the exam, your raw score (the sum of the questions you answered correctly) will be converted to a scaled score ranging from 1 to 5, based on the exam's difficulty. Here is the typical breakdown of scores and the estimated percentage of questions you need to answer correctly to achieve each score:

- Score of 1: approximately 0-40% correct

- Score of 2: approximately 41-52% correct

- Score of 3: approximately 53-64% correct

- Score of 4: approximately 65-78% correct

- Score of 5: approximately 79-100% correct

Keep in mind that this is just a general estimation, and the actual score ranges can vary slightly from year to year based on the exam's difficulty. Regardless, consistently practicing and reviewing topics will help ensure you perform the best you can. Good luck on your AP Calculus exam!

11 months ago

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