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Test-optional schools: to send or not to send my SAT/ACT scores?

Greetings everyone! I'm currently considering applying to some test-optional schools, but I'm unsure if I should send my SAT/ACT scores or not. Could you please offer some advice on how to make this decision or share any circumstances where a test score should definitely be submitted? I truly appreciate your help!

a year ago

Hello! It's great that you're considering test-optional schools and thinking about whether to send your SAT/ACT scores. Here are a few factors to help you make an informed decision:

1. Compare your scores to the school's middle 50% range: Research the middle 50% SAT/ACT score range for the schools you're applying to. If your scores fall within or above this range, it's generally a good idea to submit them, as they can strengthen your application. If your scores fall below this range, you might consider not submitting them, as the rest of your application may better represent your abilities.

2. Evaluate your academic profile: If you have a strong GPA, rigorous course load, and excellent recommendation letters, your academic profile may already stand out without your test scores. On the other hand, if your GPA is lower than the average for the schools you're applying to, submitting above-average test scores can help balance your application.

3. Consider your extracurricular involvement: If you have a strong extracurricular background, showcasing your leadership skills, commitment, and achievements, this can help compensate for not submitting test scores. However, if your extracurricular involvement is limited, submitting good test scores can help enhance your overall profile.

4. Reflect on the school's emphasis on standardized testing: Some test-optional schools still place more weight on standardized test scores than others. You can research the school's admissions website or reach out to an admissions representative to gauge their stance on testing. If the school highly values test scores, it may be worth submitting a strong score.

5. Financial aid and scholarships: Some schools and scholarships require test scores for merit-based aid consideration. If you're aiming for scholarships or financial aid, research the requirements and submit your scores if needed.

In summary, deciding whether to submit your test scores depends on your individual profile and the specific schools you're applying to. Consider the factors mentioned above, and remember that each application is reviewed holistically. If your test scores help strengthen your application, submit them; if not, focus on showcasing your strengths in other areas of your application. Good luck with your college admissions process!

a year ago

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