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SRAR for college: What is it exactly?

Hello everyone! I've been hearing about something called 'SRAR' while going through the college admissions process. Can anyone explain what it is, how it works, and if it's something I need to be worried about preparing? Much appreciated!

11 months ago

Hello! The SRAR (Self-Reported Academic Record) is a system that allows you to self-report your high school course grades and extracurricular activities, as well as any honors or awards, during the college admissions process. It's designed to give colleges an understanding of your academic history and achievements without having to request or review official transcripts, which can save you both time and money.

When you complete your SRAR, you'll need to input your courses and corresponding grades from 9th through 11th grade, along with any 12th grade courses you've taken or are currently taking. It's essential that you enter the information accurately and consistently with your official transcript. For students who have attended multiple schools or completed courses online, it's important that this is accurately reflected in the SRAR as well.

Many colleges are increasingly adopting the SRAR as part of their application process, but it's not universally required. Some schools may still request an official high school transcript either in place of or to verify your self-reported information. It's crucial that you check the requirements of each college you're applying to and follow their specific guidelines on whether or not they need an SRAR.

While the SRAR may seem intimidating initially, it's simply another aspect of the college applications process designed to make things more streamlined and accessible for students. Make sure to have a copy of your official transcript handy when filling out the SRAR to ensure accuracy.

Once you've completed the process, you'll submit electronic SRAR to the colleges you're applying to, either through the college application portals themselves or via Common App or other application platforms, if they have that integration.

In summary, the SRAR is an increasingly common component of the college admissions process that allows you to self-report your high school academic history. Although it might be an added component, ultimately, it's designed to simplify the application process. Make sure to double-check each college's requirements, as not all schools require SRAR. Good luck with your applications!

11 months ago

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