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Do AP scores really matter for college admissions?

Hi! I've taken a few AP classes, and while I've done well in the courses themselves, my AP scores aren't that great. Do colleges care about AP scores when reviewing applications, or are they more focused on the class grades? Any insight would be helpful. Thanks!

a year ago

Hello! Great question. While AP scores can be a useful part of your college application, they aren't always the primary focus for college admissions. More often than not, colleges are more interested in your overall academic performance in your high school courses, including the rigor of the courses you've taken (like AP classes). Your grades in those classes, along with your GPA, class rank, and other factors, are typically more important than your AP scores. That being said, having strong AP scores can still be an asset, as they can demonstrate your mastery of a subject and your ability to succeed in college-level coursework. However, don't worry too much if your AP scores aren't as high as you'd like. Focus on maintaining strong grades, participating in extracurricular activities, and crafting a well-rounded application to showcase your strengths. Best of luck with your college applications!

a year ago

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