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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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Voorhees College's Reputation

Hey guys! I've been trying to learn more about different schools, and I was just wondering if anyone could tell me what Voorhees College is particularly known for or what kind of programs they have that really stand out? Thanks in advance!

11 months ago

Hello! I'm glad to help you learn more about Voorhees College. Voorhees is a small, private historically black college located in Denmark, South Carolina, and affiliated with the Episcopal Church. It was founded in 1897 and has a rich history in the African-American community. Some noteworthy aspects of the college include its strong religious affiliation, close-knit community, and commitment to access and affordability.

Voorhees College offers Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science degrees across several majors. Although the school doesn't have one individual program that stands out above the rest, their academic offerings include popular fields such as Business Administration, Biology, and Psychology. Their education program is also quite reputable and prepares students to become K-12 educators, with a focus on developing their teaching skills through hands-on experiences and coursework.

The small campus size fosters close relationships among the students and faculty, providing a personalized educational experience. The tight-knit environment encourages networking, collaboration, and support among its diverse student body. Additionally, Voorhees provides support and resources for first-generation and low-income students, ensuring their success both academically and personally.

In terms of extracurricular activities, Voorhees College features various clubs and organizations, including academic and professional development clubs, performing arts groups, and religious organizations. They also offer intercollegiate athletics and intramural sports to provide students with opportunities to stay active, develop leadership skills, and foster school spirit.

If you're considering Voorhees College as a potential option for your education, I encourage you to dig deeper into their website and reach out to their admissions office for more information. You could also consider speaking with current students or alumni to get an insider's perspective on the college experience there. Good luck!

11 months ago

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