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What's Georgia Tech's mechanical engineering acceptance rate?

Hello everyone! I'm really interested in Georgia Tech's mechanical engineering program and wanted to know if any of you know the acceptance rate for it?

5 months ago

Hello! While Georgia Tech doesn't publish acceptance rates for individual majors, I can give you an idea of what to expect based on the overall acceptance rate and the program's reputation.

Georgia Tech's overall acceptance rate hovers around 16-17%, but it can be more competitive for highly sought-after programs like mechanical engineering. Georgia Tech's mechanical engineering program is considered one of the best in the nation, so expect the acceptance rate for this particular major to be lower than the overall acceptance rate.

To maximize your chances of acceptance, make sure you have a strong and well-rounded application, including high GPA, rigorous coursework, competitive test scores, and impressive extracurriculars related to your field of interest.

Additionally, research the program thoroughly to make sure you understand its unique aspects, such as research opportunities, co-op programs, and campus facilities, so that you can tailor your application essays to showcase your passion for mechanical engineering at Georgia Tech specifically. Good luck!

5 months ago

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