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Walsh School of Foreign Service acceptance details?

Hey folks! I'm really interested in Georgetown's Walsh School of Foreign Service but I'm not sure about its acceptance rate or any admission-related details. Can anyone here provide me with some information? Thanks so much!

5 months ago

Hello! Georgetown's Walsh School of Foreign Service (SFS) is a highly reputable school, well-known for its strength in international relations, diplomacy, and related fields. While Georgetown University as a whole had an acceptance rate of 13% in 2023, the acceptance rate for the SFS was slightly higher at 15%.

When applying to the SFS, admissions officers will evaluate your application holistically. Besides your GPA and standardized test scores, they will evaluate your extracurricular activities, essays, and letters of recommendation. It's advantageous to have a strong background in relevant activities (such as debate, Model United Nations, international internships, etc.) and showcase your passion for international affairs in your essays.

Your personal statement for Georgetown should be compelling and reveal who you are, while the SFS-specific supplemental essay, in which you're asked to discuss a significant global issue, should demonstrate your capacity to think critically about global affairs and offer insight into your perspective on international issues.

In terms of academics, applicants to the SFS should exhibit strong coursework in history, languages, and social sciences. Knowledge of a foreign language is highly regarded, and even required for some SFS programs. Georgetown recommends a minimum of three years of foreign language study in high school, but it's not uncommon for admitted students to have more.

Finally, remember to consider the unique SFS core curriculum and make sure it aligns with your educational goals. It requires courses in philosophy, theology, economics, history, and politics, on top of foreign language requirements. If the interdisciplinary nature and rigorous expectations of the SFS curriculum excite you, express this enthusiasm in your application, as it will be crucial to stand out among a top-tier pool of applicants.

Good luck with your application!

5 months ago

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