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Seeking colleges with forensic psychology programs

Hi everyone! I'm a junior in high school, and I'm really passionate about forensic psychology. I'd love to major in it in college, but I'm not sure which universities offer solid programs in this field. Can anyone suggest some schools known for their forensic psychology programs that I should consider? Thanks!

9 months ago

Hi there! It's great that you have a strong interest in forensic psychology. While many colleges and universities offer psychology programs, fewer specifically focus on forensic psychology. However, here are a few options you might want to consider:

1. John Jay College of Criminal Justice (CUNY): Part of the City University of New York, John Jay College offers a Bachelor of Arts in Forensic Psychology, preparing students for careers and graduate programs in various psychology disciplines. They have a strong focus on research and practical application within the criminal justice field.

2. Marymount University: This private university located in Arlington, Virginia offers a Bachelor of Arts in Forensic and Legal Psychology. The program combines elements of psychology, criminology, and law with a focus on the role psychology plays in the criminal justice system.

3. George Mason University: GMU, located in Fairfax, Virginia, offers an undergraduate concentration in Forensic Psychology within their Bachelor of Arts in Psychology program. This concentration allows you to follow your passion while gaining an overall understanding of psychology.

4. Florida Institute of Technology: Florida Tech offers a Bachelor of Arts in Forensic Psychology, preparing students for graduate studies and careers in forensic settings. Their program includes coursework that specifically focuses on the intersection of psychology and the legal system.

5. Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University: Located in Prescott, Arizona, this university offers a Bachelor of Science in Forensic Psychology degree. The program is interdisciplinary and includes coursework in psychology, criminal justice, and aviation/aerospace.

6. University of Denver: DU offers a Forensic Psychology minor within their undergraduate psychology program. This allows you to pursue your interest, while also gaining a solid foundation in general psychology.

These are just some examples of schools that offer forensic psychology programs, and it's important to research each institution's specific program to find the best fit for you. Remember, it's also possible to study psychology as an undergraduate and specialize in forensic psychology in graduate school, which broadens your college options. Good luck as you explore your options!

9 months ago

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