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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What majors or programs excel at Southeastern University?

Hey guys! I've been doing some research on Southeastern University, but I'm still trying to get a better understanding of the school. Does anyone know if they have any standout majors or programs worth considering?

9 months ago

Hey there! Southeastern University is known for having some strong programs in a few fields. Some standout majors and programs at the university include:

1. Business Administration and Management: The business program at Southeastern University can prepare students for a variety of industries and roles. Classes are focused on essential business principles, teamwork, and experiential learning.

2. Behavioral Sciences: The university also offers robust programs in psychology, counseling, and social work. Students can gain valuable experience through internships, research opportunities, and working closely with faculty.

3. Communication and Media: The communication and media programs at Southeastern University include majors such as journalism, public relations, and digital media. There are opportunities to gain real-world experience through internships, student-run media outlets, and involvement in campus events.

4. Ministry and Theology: Southeastern University has a strong emphasis on its Christian mission, which is reflected in its programs in ministry and theology. Students can choose from a variety of ministry-focused majors, including pastoral ministry, youth ministry, and missions.

5. Education: The education program at Southeastern University offers degrees in several fields, including elementary education, secondary education, and special education. The program emphasizes hands-on experiences, with students completing internships and fieldwork in local schools.

6. Music and Performing Arts: Southeastern University's music and performing arts programs provide a well-rounded education in music, theatre, and dance. Students can get involved with various performance ensembles, theatre productions, and events throughout the year.

These are just a few of the notable programs and majors at Southeastern University. It's essential to dive into the specifics of these programs to decide if they align with your interests and career goals. Best of luck in your college search process!

9 months ago

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