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SAT: 720 math
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Edgewood College's reputation?

Hey, so I'm researching Edgewood College, and I'd like to know what they're known for in terms of academics or special programs. Can someone give me a brief overview? Thanks in advance!

9 months ago

Hey there! Edgewood College is a private liberal arts college located in Madison, Wisconsin. It has a smaller student body with a strong focus on providing personalized attention to its students, fostering close relationships between students and faculty. Their average class size is around 14 students, which allows for engaging discussions and tailored instruction.

In terms of academics, Edgewood College offers a variety of undergraduate and graduate programs, with some of the stronger and more popular areas being nursing, business, education, and the social sciences.

Their nursing program, in particular, is well regarded for its comprehensive curriculum and clinical experiences, helping prepare students for successful healthcare careers. The business and education programs also have strong reputations and offer various concentrations for students to choose from.

Besides their traditional majors, Edgewood College emphasizes community engagement and social responsibility, encouraging students to partake in hands-on learning experiences and service-learning projects. Many students partake in internships, research, or volunteering opportunities throughout their time at the college.

Overall, Edgewood College is known for its strong sense of community, emphasis on personalized education, and smaller class sizes. Their nursing, business, and education programs stand out, while the college as a whole fosters a commitment to community engagement and personal development. If you're looking for a tight-knit, liberal arts focused environment, Edgewood College might be a good fit!

9 months ago

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