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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Difficulty Getting into Northeastern?

Hey guys! So, I'm really considering applying to Northeastern University, but I'm unsure about how tough their admissions process is. Would anyone mind sharing their experience or insights on how hard it is to get accepted? I'd really appreciate any advice or input! Thanks!

9 months ago

Hello! It's important to keep in mind that admissions can vary from year to year, and each applicant's experience may differ. However, I can offer some general insights on Northeastern University's admissions.

Northeastern is a fairly selective university, with an acceptance rate that has hovered around 10-18% in recent years. To give yourself a competitive edge, focus on maintaining a strong GPA, challenging yourself academically with a rigorous course load like AP or IB classes, and achieving a high standardized test score (if you choose to submit one, as Northeastern is currently test-optional).

Another key factor in the application process is your extracurricular involvement; it's recommended to have between 8-10 activities, with an emphasis on quality and leadership roles.

Remember that a strong personal essay and meaningful letters of recommendation can enhance your application as well, giving the admissions committee insight into your personal qualities, work ethic, and character.

Additionally, consider applying Early Decision (ED) or Early Action (EA) to show your genuine interest in the school. Applicants often see higher acceptance rates through the ED or EA process, compared to Regular Decision.

Ultimately, don't be discouraged by the selectivity. Instead, focus on presenting your best self in your application and showcasing your passions, accomplishments, and aspirations. Best of luck with your application to Northeastern!

9 months ago

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