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Georgia Tech OOS Acceptance Rate: What to expect?

How's it going, everyone? I'm an out-of-state student applying to Georgia Tech and I'm wondering if anyone has information on what the out-of-state acceptance rate is. Also, are there any specific factors to consider being an out-of-state applicant? I'd appreciate any tips or suggestions!

9 months ago

Hello! Georgia Tech is a selective school with an overall acceptance rate of around 16-17%. While the exact out-of-state acceptance rate may fluctuate year to year, generally speaking, it is considered to be more competitive for out-of-state (OOS) applicants compared to in-state applicants. That being said, don't be too discouraged, as many OOS students are still admitted each year.

As an out-of-state applicant, it's important to demonstrate strong academic performance and engagement in extracurricular activities. Georgia Tech values students who have a passion for technology, science, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). While admission isn't limited to STEM-focused students, having achievements or experiences in these areas may be a plus for your application.

Here are a few tips for OOS applicants:

1. Show genuine interest: Demonstrating a strong interest in Georgia Tech by attending virtual information sessions, participating in campus tours (if possible), and thoroughly researching the school will help you craft a compelling application that showcases your enthusiasm for the school.

2. Emphasize your strengths: Highlight your achievements, commitment to learning, and involvement in extracurriculars. If you have experience in research, internships, or have pursued STEM projects outside of school, be sure to mention that in your application. Additionally, strong letters of recommendation can further support your application.

3. Know the application components: Georgia Tech uses the Common App for its admissions process. Along with the standard components of the Common App, Georgia Tech requires a few unique short answer questions and supplemental essays. Make sure to allocate time to answer them thoughtfully and specifically for Georgia Tech.

4. Apply early: While applying Early Action at Georgia Tech may not have a significantly higher acceptance rate compared to Regular Decision, it does demonstrate interest in the school and allows you to receive your admission decision earlier.

Remember that the admissions process considers many factors, and as an OOS applicant, you should strive for a well-rounded application that highlights your strengths and genuine interest in attending Georgia Tech. Good luck with the application process!

9 months ago

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