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What do colleges look for in a recommendation letter?

Hey guys, I need some advice. I'm about to ask my teachers for recommendation letters for my college applications. What should I tell them to focus on? What do colleges look for in a rec letter? Thanks for your help!

9 months ago

Hi there! Recommendations letters play an essential role in college applications by providing insight into your character, work ethic, and positive qualities. Although teachers typically know the basics of writing a good recommendation letter, it's helpful to have a conversation with them about your strengths, interests, and any specific aspects you'd like them to emphasize. Here are some key points you can ask your teachers to focus on:

1. Academic abilities: Colleges want to know if you're intellectually curious and can handle rigorous coursework. Your teachers can address your critical thinking skills, problem-solving prowess, and your ability to grasp complex concepts. Additionally, if a teacher can compare you with other students they've taught over the years, they can emphasize that you stand out.

2. Specific anecdotes: Ask your teachers to provide examples of times when you displayed your strengths, whether it was a group project where you took the lead, or a class discussion where you demonstrated deep understanding. Specific anecdotes create a vivid picture of who you are as a student and a person.

3. Personal characteristics: Admissions officers appreciate letters that shed light on your personal qualities, such as resilience, empathy, and integrity. A recommendation letter can provide a perspective on your personal growth, how you handle challenges, and whether you're a good team player.

4. Your role in the classroom: Your teachers can discuss your participation, engagement, and collaborative skills. They can mention if you're an active and thoughtful contributor, willing to help your peers, and seek help when needed.

5. Your interests and passions: Your recommenders should tie in your extracurricular activities and hobbies connected to their subject. This emphasizes your dedication and commitment to the subject matter and shows that you go above and beyond the classroom.

6. Alignment with college values: Make sure your teachers are aware of the schools you're applying to and their values or mission statement. They can tailor their letters to align with those qualities, making a stronger case for your fit with the college.

Remember that your teachers are experienced in writing recommendation letters, so trust their judgment while ensuring they understand the key points you'd like them to include. Best of luck with your college applications!

9 months ago

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