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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Program strengths and reputation at New England College?

Hi! I was recently introduced to New England College and I'm interested in learning more. Does anyone know what they're known for, such as strong programs or majors? Any input would be appreciated.

11 months ago

Hello! New England College (NEC) is a small, private liberal arts college located in Henniker, New Hampshire. Though it offers a wide range of programs, there are a few areas where NEC particularly stands out.

One of the most prominent programs at NEC is their Business Administration and Management major, which grants degrees at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. The program focuses on hands-on, experiential learning, often connecting students with real-world business challenges. NEC also has strong programs in the fields of Education, Criminal Justice, and Environmental Science. These programs typically emphasize practical experiences, internships, and opportunities for engaging in research or projects.

New England College is known for its student-centered and personalized approach to learning, which is facilitated by small class sizes and a low student-to-faculty ratio. This allows students to develop close relationships with faculty, who can provide the kind of individualized support that is less common at larger institutions.

In addition to its academic strengths, NEC has a vibrant and active campus community with numerous clubs, organizations, and events for students to participate in. The college's location in Henniker offers a picturesque setting with easy access to outdoor recreational opportunities, including skiing, hiking, and water sports.

Overall, New England College is known for its strong programs in Business Administration, Education, Criminal Justice, and Environmental Science, as well as its tight-knit and supportive campus community. It's definitely worth considering if you're looking for an intimate college experience with a focus on real-world applications of your studies.

11 months ago

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