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Understanding holistic admissions

Hey guys, I've heard that some colleges have 'holistic admissions' processes. What does that actually mean and how is it different from other types of admissions? How should I approach these types of applications compared to others?

11 months ago

Hello! 'Holistic admissions' refers to the process colleges use when evaluating applicants by considering multiple factors, rather than just focusing on grades and test scores. This process aims to get a more comprehensive understanding of each candidate's abilities, achievements, and potential. In other words, they want to learn about the whole person, not just the numbers.

Some factors that colleges may consider in a holistic admissions process include:

1. Academic performance (grades, course rigor, class rank if available)

2. Standardized test scores (if considered)

3. Extracurricular activities and leadership experience

4. Essays and personal statements

5. Letters of recommendation

6. Demonstrated interest in and fit for the school (e.g., college visits, interview, etc.)

7. Personal background and experiences (such as overcoming adversity, unique talents, etc.)

In contrast, some colleges might use a numbers-based admissions process, focusing primarily on GPA and standardized test scores. These colleges typically don't pay as much attention to the other, more qualitative factors mentioned above.

When approaching applications for schools with holistic admissions processes, it's essential to create a well-rounded application that showcases who you are beyond your academic performance. Here's how you can tailor your application for these schools:

1. Craft compelling essays that reveal your interests, passions, and unique perspectives. This is your chance to showcase your personality and make a lasting impression on the admissions committee.

2. List extracurricular activities that demonstrate leadership, passion, and commitment. Instead of trying to be involved in every club or activity, focus on a few where you have a genuine interest and have made an impact.

3. Obtain strong letters of recommendation from teachers, counselors, or mentors who can speak to your character, motivation, and potential for success in college and beyond.

4. Attend open houses, events, webinars, or tours (if possible) to demonstrate your genuine interest in the schools you're applying to, and incorporate that knowledge into your essays or interviews.

Remember, the goal in a holistic admissions process is to paint a vivid picture of who you are as an individual—someone with a unique mix of abilities, goals, and personal experiences. Good luck!

11 months ago

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