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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How to ask for a strong recommendation letter for university?

As I'm preparing my university applications, I need to get a few recommendation letters. Can anyone provide some advice or tips on how to approach my teachers or counselors and ask them for a strong recommendation letter? I want to make sure I present myself well and choose the right people.

9 months ago

It's essential to get strong recommendation letters for your university applications, so it's great that you're being proactive about it. Here are some tips on how to approach this process:

1. Choose the right people: Select teachers or counselors who know you well and have a positive impression of your work ethic, character, and accomplishments. Ideally, pick those who have taught or supervised you in subjects related to your intended major or career goals.

2. Ask early: Give your teachers or counselors ample time to write a thoughtful recommendation. Ideally, ask them at least a month before your application deadlines to respect their busy schedules.

3. Make it personal: When requesting a recommendation letter, consider having a face-to-face conversation if possible. Explain why you've chosen them specifically and share your aspirations, including the colleges you're applying to and your intended major.

4. Provide supporting materials: Offer to provide your teachers/counselors with necessary information to write a robust letter, such as your resume, a list of your extracurricular activities, or any projects or papers you're particularly proud of. You can also briefly discuss your academic achievements and goals, giving them a better sense of your overall accomplishments.

5. Express gratitude: Be sure to thank your teachers or counselors for their time and effort. Let them know how much you appreciate their support, regardless of the outcome of your applications.

6. Stay organized: Keep track of the recommendation letters you've requested and their deadlines. Politely remind your teachers or counselors of the deadlines if needed, and offer assistance if they have any questions or need additional information.

7. Maintain contact: After your recommenders agree to write letters on your behalf, stay in touch with them. Provide updates about your applications and share any successes or acceptances. Remember to write thank-you notes to express your gratitude for their efforts.

By following these steps, you'll be in a better position to secure strong recommendation letters that will highlight your strengths and positively impact your university applications. Good luck!

9 months ago

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