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Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

How do Colleges Get My Email?

Lately, I've been getting a bunch of emails from different colleges. I'm honestly just curious, how do they get my email address? Did I sign up for something or did they find it through my SAT/ACT scores?

9 months ago

It's quite common for high school students to receive emails from various colleges, and these emails can be a result of several different sources. One primary source is the information you provided when you registered for standardized tests such as the SAT, ACT, or PSAT. When you take these tests, you have the option to opt-in for the "Student Search Service" or a similar program. Opting in allows colleges and universities to access your basic information (including your email address) and send you promotional materials.

Another way colleges could obtain your email is if you've attended college fairs, campus visits, or other events where you filled out an interest card or an information form. In doing so, you may have agreed to receive information from that college or other partner institutions. Additionally, colleges might purchase mailing lists from third-party services, which compile data based on different criteria such as location, interests, or extracurricular activities.

Overall, colleges usually obtain your email address through a combination of your participation in standardized testing, visits to college fairs or campuses, or signing up for information on their websites. If you ever wish to unsubscribe or stop receiving emails from a specific college, make sure to use the "unsubscribe" link typically found at the bottom of their emails.

9 months ago

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