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What are some of the top boarding schools in the US?

Hey y'all, I'm trying to find a list of the best boarding schools in the United States for my younger sibling. Do any of you have some recommendations or know of some reputable rankings that I can use to help them decide? Any input would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!

9 months ago

There are several top boarding schools in the US that are known for their strong academic programs, enriching extracurricular activities, and supportive environments. While individual rankings may vary by source, some of the most consistently renowned boarding schools include:

1. Phillips Exeter Academy (Exeter, NH)

2. Phillips Academy Andover (Andover, MA)

3. The Lawrenceville School (Lawrenceville, NJ)

4. Deerfield Academy (Deerfield, MA)

5. Choate Rosemary Hall (Wallingford, CT)

6. The Hotchkiss School (Lakeville, CT)

7. St. Paul's School (Concord, NH)

8. The Thacher School (Ojai, CA)

9. Groton School (Groton, MA)

10. Middlesex School (Concord, MA)

Keep in mind that the best boarding school for your sibling may not necessarily be the highest-ranked one. Each school has its unique culture, offerings, and values, so research thoroughly to find a school that aligns with your sibling's interests, needs, and preferences.

Visiting the websites of these institutions can provide a wealth of information on their academic programs, extracurricular activities, and application processes. Additionally, you can consider resources like CollegeVine and BoardingSchoolReview for comprehensive reviews and rankings of US boarding schools.

Remember that each student has unique needs, so it's essential to consider factors like class size, location, and support services when choosing a boarding school. Good luck in your search!

9 months ago

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