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What are some crucial SAT vocab words to know?

Yo, peeps! I'm currently preparing for the SAT and I want to ace the vocab section. What are some of those essential words I should really know for the test? Thanks in advance!

9 months ago

Hey there! It's important to keep in mind that the SAT has evolved quite a bit in recent years. The current SAT does not have a specific vocab section or questions focused solely on vocabulary like the old version had. Instead, vocabulary is tested more within the context of the reading passages in the Reading and Writing and Language sections. However, that doesn't mean vocabulary isn't important; strong vocab skills can definitely help you understand the passages more effectively.

Some words you might encounter in passage texts, questions, or answer choices are:

1. Ambivalent: having mixed or contradictory feelings

2. Anomaly: something that deviates from the norm

3. Condescending: having an attitude of superiority, patronizing

4. Delineate: to describe or outline with precision

5. Disparage: to belittle or degrade

6. Eminent: respected, prominent, distinguished

7. Erudite: scholarly, knowledgeable

8. Exacerbate: to make something worse, aggravate

9. Impetuous: acting hastily, impulsively

10. Juxtapose: to place side by side, especially for comparison or contrast

11. Nostalgic: longing or wistful for the past

12. Pragmatic: practical, realistic

13. Reticent: reluctant to speak, reserved

14. Superfluous: exceeding what is sufficient, unnecessary

15. Venerate: to regard with great respect or reverence

To help you with vocab, you might consider using resources like vocabulary lists available from test prep sources or free flashcard apps such as Quizlet. And of course, practice reading a variety of academic and literary texts, such as newspaper articles and excerpts from books, to improve your overall vocabulary understanding and contextual usage.

Good luck with your SAT preparation!

9 months ago

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