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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Berkely acceptance?

Hey, I'm a junior right now, and I'm hoping to attend UC Berkeley after I graduate. What kind of stats and extracurriculars should I have to be considered a competitive applicant? Any advice would be so helpful!

9 months ago

Hello! UC Berkeley is a highly selective school, so it's essential to present a strong application that showcases your academic and extracurricular achievements. Here's a general overview of what competitive applicants typically have:

1. Academics: Competitive applicants to UC Berkeley usually have a strong GPA (ideally 4.0+ weighted); you should aim for top grades in a rigorous course load, which may include honors, AP, or IB courses. Berkeley, like other UC schools, is test-blind and doesn't consider standardized test scores in the application process, so focus on maintaining excellent grades.

2. Extracurriculars: Top colleges like Berkeley typically want to see applicants who have developed a "spike" or highly-developed specialty in an area they're passionate about. Successful applicants usually have 8-10 total extracurricular activities, with a focus on quality and involvement in a few. These extracurriculars should ideally span Tiers 1-3 of the 4 Tiers of Extracurriculars, showing exceptional achievement and leadership at different levels (national, state, or local). Aim to showcase meaningful experiences and accomplishments within your interest areas.

3. Essays: Your UC application essays (commonly referred to as Personal Insight Questions) play a significant role in conveying your personality, passions, and what you can contribute to the campus community. Take time to brainstorm and craft engaging and reflective essays, avoiding cliche topics. Be genuine and use your voice to showcase aspects of your application that might not come across in other sections.

4. Letters of Recommendation: Although Berkeley does not require letters of recommendation in the initial application process, UC Berkeley may request these materials from a small pool of applicants at a later date. Choose recommenders who know you well and can speak to your strengths and achievements in-depth.

5. Demonstrated interest: While not a direct factor for UC Berkeley, getting to know the campus (virtually or in person), talking to current students or alumni, and thoroughly researching the specific programs and resources at Berkeley can help you demonstrate that you're genuinely interested in attending the school. This knowledge can be incorporated into your essays or, if necessary, any communication with the admissions office during an application review.

Remember, it's important to craft a balanced college list that includes a range of schools with varying degrees of selectivity. While it's essential to aim high, also consider colleges that have a good fit for your profile and offer the resources, location, and programs that match your interests.

Best of luck on your journey to college admissions!

9 months ago

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