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Middlebury College: What are their strengths?

Hi everyone! Could anyone here shed some light on Middlebury College and what they're known for? I'm trying to learn more about their academics, extracurriculars, or anything else unique that sets them apart. Thanks!

9 months ago

Hi there! Middlebury College is a prestigious liberal arts college in Vermont, and it has some notable strengths that set it apart from other schools.

1. Language programs - Middlebury is particularly renowned for its language programs and has a reputation for being one of the best colleges for foreign language studies in the US. They offer a wide range of languages, and the Middlebury Language Schools during summer are intensive immersion programs where students can make rapid progress in their language of choice.

2. Environmental Studies - Middlebury is also well-regarded for its Environmental Studies program, drawing upon the college's commitment to sustainability and its picturesque location in rural Vermont. The College has strong academics in subjects such as ecology, geology, geography, and environmental policy.

3. Bread Loaf School of English & Bread Loaf Writers' Conference - Middlebury is the home to the Bread Loaf School of English, offering graduate-level courses in literature, creative writing, and other disciplines. Additionally, the Bread Loaf Writers' Conference, held every summer, is an acclaimed program that invites emerging and established writers to participate in workshops and readings.

4. Study abroad programs - Middlebury has a significant number of study abroad opportunities through their Schools Abroad program, featuring partnerships with institutions in 17 countries. The College places a strong emphasis on global learning and encourages students to expand their understanding of other cultures.

5. Athletics - Middlebury has a winning tradition in NCAA Division III athletics as a part of the NESCAC conference. The college invests in high-quality athletic facilities and has had successes across multiple sports, including skiing, soccer, and hockey.

6. Close-knit community - Middlebury's location in a small, rural town fosters a tight-knit and inclusive campus community. The College is known for its welcoming atmosphere, with many extracurricular clubs and organizations for students to engage in.

7. Commitment to sustainability - Middlebury is known for being environmentally conscious and incorporating sustainability measures throughout its campus operations. The College has a carbon neutrality initiative and has implemented sustainable dining practices, reducing waste, and featuring locally-sourced foods.

These are just a few of the aspects that make Middlebury College stand out. Alongside these strengths, the College offers many other excellent programs and opportunities, all within a supportive and vibrant community.

9 months ago

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