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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

Understanding Selective College Acceptance Rates

Hi all, I'm starting to create my list of colleges to apply to, and I'm trying to figure out what makes a college 'selective.' Can someone help me understand what acceptance rate percentage range is generally considered selective? Thanks in advance!

9 months ago

Hi there! A college's selectivity is often measured by its acceptance rate, which represents the percentage of applicants who are admitted. While there isn't an exact cutoff for what constitutes a selective college, here's a general guideline:

- Highly Selective: Acceptance rate below 10%

- Very Selective: Acceptance rate between 10% and 25%

- Selective: Acceptance rate between 25% and 50%

- Moderately Selective: Acceptance rate between 50% and 75%

- Less Selective: Acceptance rate above 75%

Keep in mind that selectivity is just one factor to consider when creating your college list. You should also research other factors, such as academic program offerings, campus culture, location, and financial aid opportunities, to find the best fit for you.

While creating your college list, it's a good idea to apply to a mix of schools with varying selectivity. This ensures that you'll have a balanced list of reach, target, and safety schools, increasing your chances of getting accepted to a college that aligns with your goals and interests. Good luck with your college search!

9 months ago

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