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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How can I improve my chances of getting into an Ivy League school?

Hey there! I'm a high school junior with dreams of attending an Ivy League school. I know that admissions are extremely competitive, so I'm wondering if there are any specific things I can do to improve my chances. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

a year ago

Hello! It's great to hear that you're aiming high and considering Ivy League schools. Indeed, the admissions process is competitive, but there are several things you can do to make your application stand out. First, focus on maintaining a strong academic record. This includes taking challenging courses, like AP or IB classes, and maintaining a high GPA. Second, get involved in extracurricular activities that you're passionate about and demonstrate leadership qualities. Colleges like to see students who are well-rounded and active in their communities. Third, work on developing strong relationships with your teachers and counselors, as they will be the ones writing your recommendation letters. Lastly, start preparing for standardized tests (SAT or ACT) early and aim for a high score. Remember that while these factors are important, Ivy League schools also look for applicants with unique qualities and experiences. So, don't be afraid to showcase your individuality and what makes you stand out. Good luck with your college journey!

a year ago

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