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Interesting Persuasive Speech Topics

What's up everyone? So I have this assignment to present a persuasive speech and I'm trying to find some interesting persuasive topics that are relatable to high school or the college admissions process. Can you guys suggest any unique and debate-worthy topics that would be engaging for my audience?

9 months ago

Hey there! It sounds like you're looking for some engaging and relevant persuasive speech topics related to high school or college admissions. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

1. The value of test-optional admissions policies: You could argue for or against the importance of standardized test scores in the college admissions process. Are they fair assessments of a student's potential? Do they contribute to systemic inequalities?

2. Early Decision vs. Regular Decision: How applying early can impact a student's chances of admission and whether this practice is fair to students from various backgrounds.

3. The role of extracurricular activities: Discuss how colleges weigh extracurriculars when evaluating applicants. Should they focus more on specialized activities (the "spike") or well-roundedness?

4. Affordability and accessibility in higher education: Persuade your audience that colleges should meet 100% of demonstrated need for financial aid, adopt a no-loan policy, or adopt other measures to make higher education more accessible to all students.

5. The value of gap years: Explore the idea of students taking a gap year before starting college. Are the benefits worth delaying their college education? Should colleges encourage this option?

6. The importance of mental health resources on campus: Advocate for increased mental health resources and support systems at colleges and universities. How does this tie into the admissions process and student success?

7. Community college as a viable alternative: Discuss the pros and cons of attending community college before transferring to a four-year institution, weighing factors such as cost, course rigor, and flexibility.

8. The impact of affirmative action policies on college admissions: Should colleges be allowed to consider race as a factor in admissions, or does this practice harm underrepresented groups instead of helping them?

Remember to choose a topic that genuinely interests you and that you're passionate about, as that enthusiasm will naturally shine through in your presentation. Best of luck with your persuasive speech!

9 months ago

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