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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Have there been any SAT score trends in recent years?

Just curious about the trends in SAT scores across the nation. Have there been significant changes in scores over the past few years?

9 months ago

Sure, I can discuss some trends regarding SAT scores in recent years!

1. Fluctuations in Average Scores: The national average SAT score has been fluctuating in the past few years. For the most recent data available, the average score for the class of 2021 was 1068 (with an average of 533 for the Evidence-Based Reading and Writing section, and 535 for the Math section). These scores are generally lower than in previous years, but it's essential to take into account that the ongoing fluctuations might be related to the changing demographics of test-takers.

2. Test-Optional Policies: Over the past couple of years, a significant trend in college admissions has been the rise of test-optional policies. This shift has been accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, which led to many schools choosing to temporarily or permanently adopt test-optional policies. As a result, a larger pool of students with varying test scores may now be applying to colleges, and this could potentially contribute to fluctuations in average scores.

3. Decreased Participation: The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted SAT testing in 2020 and 2021, leading to canceled test dates and limited testing opportunities. Consequently, there was a decrease in the number of students taking the SAT. This decrease in participation might have affected the overall score averages, as it's not a fully representative sample of all potential test-takers.

4. Increased Test Preparation Resources: Over the years, there has been growth in the availability of test preparation resources, both in terms of paid options (like tutoring, courses, and books) and free materials (such as Khan Academy's SAT prep program). This increase in resources might have contributed to some students achieving higher scores.

It's important to consider the contextual factors behind these trends when analyzing SAT scores and remember that colleges are increasingly focusing on other aspects of a student's application, alongside standardized test scores. This is demonstrated by the rise of holistic review processes and the increasing relevance of other components, such as extracurricular activities, essays, and letters of recommendation.

9 months ago

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