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Accurate medical school acceptance rates by college?

Hey guys! I've been thinking about majoring in pre-med and I'm hoping to attend a college that has good med school acceptance rates. Do you know where I can find accurate stats on medical school acceptance rates for different colleges?

9 months ago

Hey there! It's true that some colleges have strong pre-med programs and high medical school acceptance rates. Unfortunately, comparing medical school acceptance rates between different colleges isn't always straightforward. This is because colleges often report this data differently or may only publish success stories without specifics. Thus, it's difficult to find an accurate, centralized source for this information.

However, you can start by checking out the websites of colleges you're interested in. Look for relevant pages or brochures that mention pre-med advising, pre-health programs, or student outcomes. When you find acceptance rates, be mindful of what they represent—some colleges may report admission rates only for students who received a committee letter of recommendation, while others might include all students who applied to medical school.

Additionally, many top-tier colleges have reputable pre-med programs and strong advising services which can increase your chances of getting into medical school. Some examples include Harvard, Stanford, Johns Hopkins, and the University of Pennsylvania. Besides these, many liberal arts and research institutions also have strong pre-med programs.

Remember that the rigor of your coursework and personal achievements, rather than simply attending a college with high medical school acceptance rates, will ultimately be more important in your medical school application. Having a solid undergraduate academic record, meaningful extracurriculars, and strong letters of recommendation can contribute greatly to your application.

Lastly, you can also seek guidance from pre-med advisors at various colleges or reach out to current students and alumni within those programs for more detailed information. They can provide insights on the quality of pre-med advising, resources available, and the overall atmosphere of the program, which are all important factors to consider when choosing a college. Good luck!

9 months ago

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