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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What's unique about Reedley College?

Hey! I've been learning more about Reedley College and I'd like to know what it's famous for or well-regarded in. Can anybody tell me which programs or features make this college stand out?

9 months ago

Reedley College is a community college located in Reedley, California, which is known for offering a friendly, accessible, and supportive environment for students. Here are a few areas where the college excels or has unique features:

1. Strong agricultural programs: Given its location in California's Central Valley, Reedley College unsurprisingly offers a comprehensive set of agriculture-focused programs, such as Agricultural Business, Animal Science, Horticulture, and Plant Science. Students interested in agriculture will find a variety of options tailored to their career goals.

2. Aviation maintenance technology: Reedley College is one of the few community colleges in the region with an Aviation Maintenance Technology program. This program allows students to earn FAA certifications in the area of Airframe and/or Powerplant, and helps them prepare for careers in the aviation maintenance industry.

3. Transfer agreements: Reedley College has developed strong relationships with many four-year colleges and universities, which helps facilitate the transfer process for students who want to pursue a bachelor's degree after completing their time at Reedley. These agreements ensure that credits and courses taken at Reedley will transfer smoothly to partnering institutions.

4. Supportive resources & services: Reedley College offers a variety of resources designed to help support students throughout their academic journey, including tutoring services, a comprehensive library, counseling services, and programs such as TRIO and EOPS/CARE that aim to help students overcome economic, social, and educational barriers.

5. Affordability: As a community college, Reedley College is quite affordable in comparison to many four-year institutions. Tuition is lower, which allows students to complete general education requirements or earn an associate degree without accruing large amounts of debt. Additionally, financial aid and scholarship opportunities are available to help with costs.

Overall, Reedley College stands out for its strong agriculture and aviation maintenance programs, supportive environment, transfer agreements, and affordability. This makes it an attractive option for students looking to start their higher education journey or gain practical career skills in a nurturing and financially accessible setting. Best of luck with your college search!

9 months ago

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