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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Bates College: What makes it special?

Hey, guys! I'm trying to get a better understanding of Bates College. Could some of you help me out and let me know what they're best known for? Are there particular programs or aspects that make them unique compared to other colleges?

9 months ago

Hey there! Bates College, located in Lewiston, Maine, is a small liberal arts college well-regarded for its intimate academic environment and strong commitment to undergraduate education. Here are a few aspects that make Bates College special:

1. Academic Flexibility: Bates has an open curriculum, meaning there are no core requirements other than completing a major. This allows students to explore their interests fully and design an educational path that best suits their goals and passions.

2. Thesis Requirement: All Bates students must complete a senior thesis to graduate, which is an in-depth research project or creative work in their chosen major. This experience helps develop critical thinking, writing, and research skills, and provides a tangible culmination of their undergraduate degree.

3. Short Term: Bates has a unique 4-4-1 calendar, meaning students take four full-semester courses in the fall and winter, and one additional course during a five-week Short Term in the spring. Short Term courses are innovative, immersive, and often experiential, allowing students to dive into subjects like entrepreneurship, filmmaking, or travel courses that explore cultures and topics abroad.

4. Focus on Community Engagement: Bates is known for its commitment to community engagement and social change. The Harward Center for Community Partnerships connects students with local organizations for internships and volunteering opportunities. Many students actively participate in projects and initiatives that promote social justice, environmental sustainability, and community development.

5. Outdoors and Recreation: Bates' location in Maine provides an excellent opportunity for outdoor recreation and a strong sense of environmental stewardship. The college is close to various state parks, mountains, and coastal areas ideal for hiking, skiing, camping, and other outdoor activities. Bates Outing Club, the oldest collegiate outing club in the nation, organizes activities and trips for students throughout the year.

6. Small Campus Feel: With just over 1,800 undergraduate students, Bates fosters a close-knit community where students can develop strong relationships and enjoy individualized attention from faculty. The student-faculty ratio of 10:1 ensures that students get ample support and guidance in their academic pursuits.

In summary, Bates College stands out for its flexible curriculum, engaged student body, distinctive academic calendar, strong community involvement, and access to outdoor opportunities, all within a supportive and intimate campus environment. These aspects make Bates a unique choice among its peer institutions.

9 months ago

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