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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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Carroll University - What sets it apart?

Hi there, I'm currently researching various universities and Carroll University piqued my interest. What is it best known for? Do they have any standout academic programs or interesting campus life features? Would love to hear any thoughts on it, thanks in advance!

9 months ago

Carroll University, located in Waukesha, Wisconsin, is a private liberal arts college known for its close-knit community and individualized approach to education. That being said, the university offers a myriad of strengths in various fields.

Academically, Carroll University is best known for its strong programs in the health sciences, such as nursing, physical therapy, and exercise science. It also offers robust education and business programs. The school is well-regarded for its emphasis on hands-on learning experiences, such as collaborative research and internships, which can help students build a solid foundation in their chosen fields. Additionally, the university boasts a low student-to-faculty ratio (12:1), which often leads to more personalized attention from faculty and better opportunities for mentorship.

Campus life at Carroll University is characterized by a strong sense of community and active student involvement. There are over 50 clubs and organizations, alongside a variety of recreational and competitive sports opportunities. To further enhance personal development, the university offers a First-Year Seminar program that helps new students transition to college life more effectively.

One standout feature is the institution's commitment to community service and civic engagement. The university's Pioneer Core general education program emphasizes values such as social justice and environmental sustainability, and students are encouraged to participate in various service-learning programs to apply their knowledge and contribute positively to local communities.

In summary, Carroll University's unique combination of strong academic programs, individualized attention, and commitment to service and community make it a worthwhile option for students seeking a close-knit, liberal arts college experience.

9 months ago

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