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Duke University




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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Universities close to Silicon Valley?

Hey there! I'm interested in majoring in something tech-related and would love to attend a university near Silicon Valley. Can anyone recommend universities known for their proximity to Silicon Valley? Thanks!

a year ago

Hi! It's awesome that you're considering studying in a tech-related field and want to be near Silicon Valley. Here are some universities that are in close proximity to or in the Silicon Valley area:

1. Stanford University: Located in Palo Alto, Stanford is well-known for its strong engineering and computer science programs. It's at the heart of Silicon Valley, and many tech giants, such as Google and Hewlett Packard, were founded by Stanford alumni.

2. University of California, Berkeley: Though not in Silicon Valley itself, UC Berkeley is about an hour drive away, making it reasonably close. It has exceptional computer science and engineering programs, attracting tech giants for internships and career opportunities.

3. Santa Clara University: Located in Santa Clara, this university is another great choice in the heart of Silicon Valley. Their College of Engineering and School of Computer Science have strong programs with connections to the tech industry.

4. San Jose State University: SJSU is situated in San Jose, one of the largest cities in Silicon Valley. It is especially known for its engineering and business programs, and its proximity to the tech hub offers numerous internship and job opportunities.

5. California State University, East Bay: Although this university is not directly in Silicon Valley, it's situated in the nearby city of Hayward. CSUEB is a great option if you're looking for a more affordable education with connections to the tech industry.

These universities have varying degrees of admission competitiveness and program offerings, but all have strong connections to Silicon Valley and the tech industry. Be sure to research each school to find one that matches your needs and interests. Good luck!

a year ago

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