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What colleges in New York are known for their Physical Therapy Assistant programs?

Hi everyone! I'm interested in pursuing a career as a Physical Therapy Assistant and I want to apply to a college in New York that's known for its PTA program. Any recommendations on which colleges I should be considering?

11 months ago

Hi there! You're on the right track by seeking out excellent Physical Therapy Assistant (PTA) programs in New York. Here are a few colleges that are well-regarded for their PTA programs:

1. Nassau Community College in Garden City - Nassau Community College offers an Associate in Applied Science (AAS) degree in Physical Therapist Assistant. The program has a strong reputation and typically requires students to complete clinical experiences at various healthcare facilities in the surrounding area.

2. LaGuardia Community College in Long Island City - LaGuardia Community College's PTA program also leads to an AAS degree and is known for its dedicated faculty and state-of-the-art facilities. The program involves both classroom learning and hands-on experience through clinical internships.

3. SUNY Orange (Orange County Community College) in Middletown - SUNY Orange's PTA program is another reputable option, offering an AAS degree with a curriculum that combines classroom instruction, laboratory practice, and extensive clinical experiences.

4. Genesee Community College in Batavia - Genesee Community College offers a well-regarded PTA program, resulting in an AAS degree. The college features modern facilities and a curriculum that includes classroom, laboratory, and clinical components to ensure students gain a comprehensive understanding of the PTA profession.

5. Suffolk County Community College in Selden - This college offers a competitive PTA program, culminating in an AAS degree. The curriculum includes coursework spanning anatomy, physiology, kinesiology, and therapeutic procedures, as well as clinical experiences in a variety of settings.

Make sure to look into each institution's individual program details, accreditation, and admission requirements, and it's always a good idea to visit the campus if possible. Good luck as you pursue your goal of becoming a Physical Therapy Assistant!

11 months ago

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