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Best possible ACT score?

Yo, what's the best ACT score someone can get? I know the score is out of 36, but is getting a 36 the absolute best, or do people get higher than that with superscoring?

11 months ago

Getting a 36 on your ACT is indeed the best possible composite score you can achieve. The ACT is scored on a scale of 1 to 36, with 36 being the highest possible score for each of the four sections: English, Math, Reading, and Science. A composite score is then calculated by averaging the four section scores, which also gives you a score ranging between 1 and 36. When you achieve a perfect 36 composite score, that's considered the highest possible ACT score you can get.

With superscoring, colleges look at your highest scores across multiple test attempts for each section and then calculate a new composite score based on those best section scores. While your superscore might be higher than any of your individual ACT composite scores, it will still be capped at 36, as that's the highest possible score on the test. In essence, a perfect 36 composite score (or a superscore of 36) is the best you can achieve on the ACT.

11 months ago

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