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Binghamton University Early Action Acceptance Rate?

Hey everyone! I'm considering applying to Binghamton University through their Early Action program, and I was wondering if any of you guys know the acceptance rate for EA? I'm trying to gauge my chances of getting in and whether or not I should apply early.

11 months ago

Hey! Like most colleges, Binghamton University's Early Action (EA) acceptance rate is quite a bit higher than its overall rate - about 60% for EA applicants compared to about 40-45% for Regular Decision (RD) applicants. This boost is because applying early shows a high level of enthusiasm about Binghamton, which gives admissions officers confidence that you'll be an engaged member of their campus community.

Although the EA acceptance rate might be higher, it's essential to still focus on presenting a strong application, as acceptance is never guaranteed. Your GPA, course rigor, extracurricular activities, essays, and recommendations are all important factors in the decision-making process.

Ultimately, if you're prepared with a solid application and have a genuine interest in attending Binghamton, applying through their Early Action program could be beneficial, but you don't want to rush the process if you aren't quite ready yet by the EA deadline. Good luck!

11 months ago

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